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Hvorfor er dokumentasjon viktig og hva kan det bidra til? Det kan vi ha mange antagelser om, men ikke være helt sikre på før vi har testet. Vi utvikler nå et dokunmentasjonsrammeverk som vi tester sammen med pilotkunder. For artighets skyld har vi også spurt AI-motoren ChatGPT hva den "mener".
Ingen vil kjøpe noe de ikke vet hva er. Samtidig er dokumentasjonen i markedet for bioressurser generelt svak, og varierer i format og omfang mellom bedrifter, produksjonsformer og verdikjeder. For å få fart på markedet utvikler vi nå et dokumentasjonsrammeverk med arbeidstittel ReSource ID. Mer informasjon om denne tjenesten kommer i tiden fremover.
Mange kan sikkert si seg enig i at dokumentasjon er viktig, men spørsmålet er hva det kan bidra med, både for markedet som helhet og for den enkelt bedrift. Det har vi latt ChatGPT svare på. Vi stilte spørsmålet:
"How can better documentation of resources and side-streams stimulate the market for residual materials in the bioeconomy?"
Svaret vi fikk synes vi er ganske godt:
Better documentation of resources and side-streams can stimulate the market for residual materials in the bioeconomy by:
Increasing transparency: By providing accurate and detailed information about the origin, quality, and composition of residual materials, stakeholders in the bioeconomy can have a better understanding of the potential value and uses of these materials. This can help to build trust and confidence in the market for residual materials.
Facilitating traceability: By tracking the movement of residual materials through the supply chain, a documentation framework can help to ensure compliance with regulations and promote sustainable sourcing. This can help to increase the demand for residual materials from companies that want to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.
Improving efficiency: By providing a detailed understanding of the composition and quality of residual materials, a documentation framework can help to match supply and demand more effectively. This can help to reduce waste and increase the utilization of residual materials in the bioeconomy.
Enabling new business models: By providing accurate information about the residual materials, a documentation framework can help to identify new applications and uses for these materials. This can create new business opportunities and stimulate innovation in the bioeconomy.
Attracting new investors: By providing detailed and transparent information about the origin and movement of residual materials, a documentation framework can attract new investors to the bioeconomy by demonstrating the potential of residual materials in the market.
Enhancing the ability to measure impact: By providing detailed information about the flow and use of residual materials, a documentation framework can help to monitor the environmental and social impact of the bioeconomy. This can help to identify opportunities for improvement and promote sustainable development.
It's important to note that a documentation framework alone is not enough to stimulate the market for residual materials in the bioeconomy, it should be accompanied by other measures such as regulations, incentives, and education to increase the demand and use of residual materials.
Om din bedrift ønsker å starte arbeidet med å realisere noen av disse effektene er det bare å ta kontakt med oss på: havard@resourcer.bio.